Despite the challenges brought on by lockdowns and quarantines during the past few years, time spent at home presented opportunities for personal growth and learning an instrument. People began...
Category: Guitar Music Theory
RitchieRich Talks About The Best Books To Learn Music Theory For Guitarists
Music theory is universal to all Western instruments. However, even though chords, scales, intervals, and other musical concepts are constructed the same for all instruments, you'll undoubtedly...
It can be quite overwhelming when you first take the plunge to learn guitar. But being able to play your first few chords and produce lovely sounds is quite satisfying. But in order to achieve...
The CAGED system can help every guitar player to get familiar with all the frets on the guitar neck. It is equally vital for both lead guitar and rhythm guitarists (no matter the genre), as it give...
ALL Guitar Scales Explained! Memorize EASILY With Fretboard Diagrams!
Did you know there are over 144 frets on a guitar? This makes memorizing scales difficult, luckily with the right approach, it is not that difficult! ALL guitar scales? There are around 24 guitar...
Musical Keys & Key Signatures? Using the Fretboard As Music Theory!
Are you struggling to understand Key signatures? This is a subject that is overcomplicated and can be demonstrated much easier than when I first learned it! What are key signatures? In music...